I’ve gained no wisdom, no insight, no mellowing. I would make all the same mistakes again today. Woody Allen

I do not consider myself to be any more awake, enlightened, or self-realized than you are. I’m not a Tibetan monk like The Dalai Lama; I’m not a brilliant philosopher like Ken Wilber, I’m not a revered teacher with hundreds of students at my feet. You may well wonder, as I did, “How can this guy do a blog on enlightenment when he doesn’t claim to be fully enlightened himself?”
I invite you to find out.
The thread starts here!
To start things off, here are some infuriatingly simple answers to some very complex questions:
Is there such a thing as reincarnation?
From a non-dual perspective there is no reincarnation. The concept of reincarnation depends on a world that exists in time and space. If who you are is Pure Consciousness, and that Consciousness is permanent, eternal, and formless, how could there be such a thing as incarnation? Yet in the relative world of duality there appears to be reincarnation. Both answers are true, depending on your perspective.
What about the laws of Karma?
Karma is based on the idea that there is a doer who must pay for his or her actions. It is based on the law of cause and effect. But if there is no “doer,” how can there be any karma? When the Self is realized, there is no karma.
Do I need to purify my body to find inner peace and true happiness?
Your body already is pure. Purity has nothing to do with awakening.
Do I need a teacher?
If you need someone in physical form to point you inwards and reveal what you already know, a teacher will appear, but it is not always necessary. The true teacher is within.
If it’s so simple, why can’t I get it?
Because it’s too simple.
Are there any practices I can do to speed up the process of awakening?
No. Just be quiet.
But what about meditation and spiritual practices?
Meditation and other practices help focus the mind and develop the witness consciousness, but by themselves will never bring about awakening.
What can I do to awaken?
Nothing. There is no separate “I” that can awaken. Awakening is an impersonal event. The only thing holding you back from awakening is the belief that you are not already awake.
If any of this excites your curiosity please feel free to join in with your own questions.
Always love, Peter
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