
Clare calls from the Ibogaine Clinic to tell me that Linda has gotten through her first treatment with an A+. There were two doctors with her the whole time. A number of people have died while taking ibogaine and they take every precaution.
I’ve had my phone on “silent” for the retreat, but recently turned it on to make sure I didn’t miss a call from Linda if she needed me. The phone rings and it's my dear friend Christine calling from New Mexico, saying that she and Kenn will be visiting Maui in November. What wonderful news. Once I feel complete in myself, the people I love most in my life seem to be miraculously showing up all around me.
Linda calls. It's like talking to a completely different person - clear, strong, and at peace with herself. What a huge step this is. Of all things, she met with a naturopath today and enjoyed it. She’s even eating real food (instead of caffeine and sugar). She's tired after the treatment, but tells me that she went to a place where constellations of stars rearranged themselves into form. "I came away with a deep acceptance of what is," she says. "It was like my brain was reset to the clarity and innocence of a six-year-old. And I don't have any craving for the pain meds." It's almost too much to believe.
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